High Accuracy 1/10 DIN RTD Pt100 Temperature Sensor Probe
The high accuracy Pt100 temperature sensor is ideal for use as a calibration reference sensor. A 1/10 DIN sensing element within the probe has an RTD accuracy of +/-0.03°C at a temperature of 0°C. Available as either a 3mm diameter sensor or a 6mm diameter.
When using accurate sensors, depth of immersion is critical to ensuring measurements are as precise as possible. The sensing length of this sensor is 15mm so we recommend a minimum depth of immersion of 150mm.
The plain stem of the probe is made from 316 stainless steel and the tip is TIG welded closed to give a pressure tight housing for the sensor. We offer standard diameters of 3mm and 6mm in various standard lengths to suit your needs. The 3mm high temperature sensor has a pot seal to accommodate the cable.
The high accuracy temperature probes are fitted with 2 metres of high performance PTFE (Teflon) screened lead which is practically chemically inert and is suitable for the full operating range of the sensor. The plated copper braid screen provides mechanical protection as well as providing the opportunity for electrical screening should it be required.
The silver-plated copper conductors are very easy to solder, making fitting a connector extremely straightforward. Process Parameters can take care of this for you should you require assistance.
- Pt100 sensor
- 4 wire
- 1/10 DIN high accuracy sensor
- 6mm diameter probe by length chosen
- 2 metre PTFE/PTFE screened lead
Highly Accurate Temperature Probes by Process Parameters
Manufactured by Process Parameters, great care is taken during the assembly of these 1/10 din RTD accuracy sensors using specialised techniques to ensure your sensor gives good service for an extended time. Careful treatment of the sensor housing and filling with inert media ensure that sensor drift is minimised.
We also offer a comprehensive calibration service and a wide choice of accessories. Have a look at our wide range of RTD Pt100 sensors, and platinum resistance thermometers.
Need help selecting a high accuracy temperature sensor for your application? Contact us now. We manufacture quality temperature probes, thermocouples, k type thermocouples and RTD sensors to order to your exact specifications.
Email us at sales@processparameters.co.uk, or call 01628 778788.